Working… working…..working

It’s mid February, which in accountant’s terms, means it’s half way through tax season.  Whoohoo.  

When I started my business 5 years ago it was slow going, one client here and a little there.  A few years ago it exploded through referrals and online advertising that I started doing and this year I am actually turning work away.  

While I don’t actually do taxes (yet, that’s on the plans for next year, Lord help me) I do the cleanups for businesses that have neglected their books and accounting for a year or more.  

It’s amazing to me how companies, no matter how small or large, think that accounting is somehow the last thing that should be on their list of importance.  Not true!  I hear “I can’t afford accounting” “It’s not in my budget” and on and on.  My clients that come to me with nothing done, or worse; a large mess created by a former person that was cheap (you get what you pay for) are finding out that it’s more expensive to let it get to this point and come to me after their books are all in disarray than it would have been if they had just bit the bullet and hired myself and my staff to begin with. 

I always ask a client who balks at our fees “Do you want it done cheap or do you want it done right?”  

So anyway, those are my thoughts for the day of February 13, 2014.  The sun is going to be shining bright here in an hour or so and it’s supposed to make it to the mid 80’s here in the deserts of Phoenix.  But alas, instead of being able to get out and enjoy the sun shine I will be stuck in my home office working away to meet the deadlines of a lot of businesses that need to get their taxes done.

Have a great day all and if you are in the Phoenix Metro area and need some accounting work done please check us out at

“Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their butts and do anything to make it happen.”

Accounting still in shoeboxes and plastic bags? Accounting reasonably done. Phoenix Metro Valley Wide

If you are like some business owners you put your receipts and bank statements off to the side as you get them telling yourself “I’ll get to that tomorrow” (or next week, month) then all of a sudden here you are; getting ready to file your business taxes and those receipts and bank statements are all still sitting there untouched and unorganized.  Sound familiar?  Yeah I kinda of thought so.  

That’s where it’s crucial to have ongoing monthly accounting done, weekly even.  If you think you cannot afford monthly accounting, think again.  You really can’t afford NOT to have your accounting kept up to date.  First off if you have to make your own regular deposits for your taxes how can you possibly know how much income you have if you don’t have it all organized?  The simple truth is that you are just guessing at it.  Guessing is bad.  Yep repeat after me GUESSING IS BAD!  

The average small business client that I have can pay 300 – 600 a month in fees to me.  Think about those numbers for a second.  Even at the high end that’s a little over 7,000.00 for a year of accounting and financial well being.  If you hire anyone part time on your own payroll you will have to pay their employment taxes, medicare, social security, workers compensation insurance as well as provide them with a place to work.  That all adds up to far more than 7,000.00.  Hire my firm and you pay our business, no taxes, no insurance, and no overhead.  Best of all you don’t get bogged down with daily questions.  We keep all of the questions to a minimum and email once a week or month to clean up anything that we might be unsure of during the month.  You will still have a good bank balance, all of your Accounts Payable bills paid and up to date as well as a good picture of your Accounts Receivable and cash flow for budgeting purposes.

Need to finally get those receipts and bank statements organized?  No problem.  


Check out our website TODAY at and make an appointment with a dependable and efficient group of accountants.  

Why out-source your Accounting? Um why not?

The numbers truly speak for themselves here people.

To get a decent accountant with our level of education and skill set as well as experience you would need to offer 20 an hour minimum.  If you wanted a bookkeeper then sure, you could hire someone for 10 an hour but then in the end it would cost you 100 dollars an hour for many hours of cleanup to be done by your CPA or tax preparer.  Why not have your accounting done right the first time?  Do you really have time to answer a bookkeeper and then answer the CPA?  I know I don’t have that much time as a small business owner.  I have been on both sides here too, I ran a retail business 20 years ago more as a hobby but it required good record keeping all the same.  Fortunately I knew the answers so I didn’t have to rely on a bookkeeper or a CPA to do my books.  99 percent of small business owners don’t know accounting.  Why should you?  You are in business, if you wanted to be an accountant you would be one but you aren’t, you are a business person.  You run your business and let me handle the rest.

Check out the cost comparisons on our business website and see for yourself just how much money we can save you by trusting us with your accounting.  Daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly?  No matter.  We can do it all customized to how YOU want it done.

Hopefully you are having a wonderful sales year so far.

Sue Ashe


Attention Ebay Sellers and Online Merchants

Ebay and Paypal reporting can be tricky, cumbersome and just generally a pain to work with.  As a business owner do you really have the time to muddle through all the paperwork?  No, you say?  Perfect.  My staff and I do have the time.  We specialize in messes and love a good challenge.  

We have extensive experience working with the financial reports that come out of Paypal.

Call us today and let’s get you started and on track for the new year with your accounting,